Sophia Comenius Project

First of all the project’s name is Sophia: It is a Greek word that means knowledge and wisdom; in our case, Sophia is also the acronymous for

Sex Orientation andPrevention ofHomophobia In Adolescents.

This project involved a group of 17 year old students from 4KA and 5KB of our school, Liceo Virgilio, and a group of students between 15 to 17 years of age from Hofstadt Lyceum in The Hague .

It all started from real facts of bullism  happened in schools.

The purpose of this project was to promote better thinking about  homophobia.

This project involved two phases: the first one was here in Milan and we hosted the Dutch students (one per family); the second one will take place in March. We are going to spend five days in Aurich, Germany, and  four days in Den Haag, Holland.

During the 10 days in Milan we exchanged views on the issue of homophobia;  we saw three films about this theme and we worked and talked about homosexuality in  workshops through active and profitable activities and discussions .

Experiences like this don’t happen everyday; we took advantage of this project to improve our English and to discover a new culture, very different from ours.

We look forward to meeting our Dutch friends in Holland in March!

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